Les bouchons d'oreilles Ohropax Silicon sont fabriqués en silicone imperméable. Il garde les oreilles des enfants et des adultes au sec pendant la natation et la plongée, tout en cachant les bruits forts ou les brises marines trop fraîches. Ce matériau polyvalent est idéal pour la protection auditive. Il peut facilement masquer les bruits de fond gênants. De cette façon, vous pouvez à nouveau vous détendre, dormir ou vous concentrer sur votre travail.
Knead the tampon several times and vigorously with clean, dry hands and form a homogeneous ball. Do not have an elongated shape, as such a tampon could slip into the ear canal. Do not split the tampon. It should be large enough to completely isolate the ear canal from the outside without entering the ear canal. Do not use if the ear canal is larger than the ball. For smaller ear canals, excess material is pressed into the outer ear. Place the clean, dry ball in front of the ear canal opening and press gently until it seats. If necessary, let the air in the ear canal escape by pulling the outer ear and gently pressing the ball again. It is important that your hands and earplugs are dry, otherwise the earplug will not adhere and will not close the ear canal with the desired insulation.