Easyslim Chocolate Cocoa is a practical and delicious alternative to offset the desire for sweeter foods.
Ready to eat. Sweetened with stevia, thus guaranteeing all the chocolate flavor;
Contains naturally present sugars;
It can be used in the Easyslim Diet, 2nd and 3rd phases.
It can be used in the Easyslim Diet, 2nd and 3rd phases.
Lista de ingredientes:
Pasta de Cacau; Edulcorantes: Maltitol, Glicosídeos de Esteviol (0,02%); Fibra (Inulina); Manteigade Cacau; Emulsionante: Lecitina de soja. Cacau: mínimo de 70%.
Pode conter vestígios de leite, amendoins, frutos de casca rija e glúten.