What are wrinkles?
They are grooves with more than 1mm of depth that appear in the skin. They are part of the chronological aging process and result from a decrease in the collagen responsible for sustaining the skin, which becomes less firm, a decrease in elastin, with loss of elasticity, a decrease in skin thickness and even repeated muscle movements.
What types of wrinkles?
The process of appearance of wrinkles is dynamic, appearing in different stages. They can be classified according to the time they remain on the skin in:
- DYNAMIC WRINKLES , characteristic of young skin, which appear as a result of repeated movements of the facial muscles, such as frowning or frowning, smiling, blinking. They appear when you make a movement or facial expression and disappear when the face returns to normal.
Examples of this type of wrinkle are expression wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes.

- STATIC WRINKLES , which derive from the dynamic ones, are deeper and more definitive, do not disappear with the cessation of facial muscle movements, remaining on the skin regardless of these.
FINE STATIC WRINKLES appear first, such as eye contour wrinkles. They appear between the ages of 20 and 30 and are related to collagen loss and sun exposure.
STATIC EXPRESSION WRINKLES appear around the age of 30 and 40, becoming more evident after 50, in general. Examples are “Chinese mustache”, “crow's feet” and “barcode”.
They occur due to the association of repeated contraction movements with changes in the skin typical of aging, such as the gradual loss of collagen (decrease in skin thickness and support) and elastin (decrease in elasticity), transforming dynamic wrinkles into static wrinkles.
DEEP STATIC WRINKLES appear between the ages of 40 and 50 and are evident even with the face at rest. They give a more tired and haggard look to the face.

- GRAVITATION WRINKLES , which, as the name implies, have to do with the action of gravity on the skin, pulling it “down” for years. This type of wrinkle appears after the age of 50 and becomes more pronounced between the ages of 60 and 70. They are due to the loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin, accompanied by an increase in the sagging of the facial muscles, a decrease and repositioning or “fall” of facial fat in some areas of the face, leaving it with a drooping appearance. The oval of the face changes, seeming to detach itself with the formation of a double chin and a “bulldog face”.
They appear mainly on the jaw, chin and in front of the ears.

Why do wrinkles appear?
The main causes of wrinkles, sagging and changes in the oval of the face are:
1. Age/Chronological Aging , with:
- Decreased firmness and elasticity due to reduced production of collagen and elastin,
- Increased skin dryness,
- Changes in the facial muscles, with a decrease in their support
- Decrease in facial fat - with loss of volume, which leads to the appearance of the “Chinese mustache”
- Sagging of the facial bones (bone resorption) with effects on the chin and jaw and furrows around the eyes.
In addition to the internal factors of our body, related to the chronological aging characteristic of passing years, there are also external factors. . Two other factors also contribute to wrinkles: infrared rays and pollution.

2. Sun exposure:
Solar radiation is one of the main causes of aging (photoaging), causing wrinkles and fine lines and may also cause stains.
Studies reveal that 90% of external aging is caused by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, and has cumulative effects, accelerating the appearance of wrinkles.
The end result of the combination of these factors results in changes in the oval of the face, which changes from a triangular shape in youth to an oval shape over the years and showing wrinkles.

If you can't stop the biological clock, you can, however, control other factors...yes, we are responsible for part of our wrinkles , when:
- we drink alcohol which dehydrates the skin, increasing the loss of firmness and impairs collagen quality.
- We eat foods with sugar , which triggers glycation in the skin, that is, it attacks proteins such as collagen.
- We smoke, smoke destroys the skin's collagen and impairs its oxygenation, reducing blood circulation in the skin of the body and face. In addition, the gesture of smoking promotes the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, the famous “barcode”.
- We sleep on our stomachs or on our sides, which leads to a worsening of wrinkles. If you sleep in this position, use a silk or satin pillowcase to avoid this.
- We forget to wear sunglasses, and we squint, worsening the “crow's feet” around the eyes.
Dryness and dehydration also contribute to the appearance of wrinkles, so you should use moisturizing and moisturizing agents to keep the skin barrier healthy.
Stay tuned for the next articles to learn how you can prevent and treat wrinkles!