Medela Doppeler elektrischer Milchextraktionsschwung ist ein effektiver schneller elektrischer Extraktor und die ideale Wahl für tägliche und regelmäßige Anwendungen. Doppelte Extraktion hinterlässt Ihnen und Ihrem Baby zusätzliche Zeit, da es doppelt so schnell ist wie einfache Extraktion und Ihnen ermöglicht, mehr Milch zu erhalten.
This portable double electric breast pump is a safe investment and the right choice for intensive daily use and allows you to:
-get an extra bottle of milk.
-give you more time for you and your baby as it is 2x faster, complete extraction in 15 minutes.
-increase milk production with extra stimulation (+18%).
-have your hands free if you use it with the Medela Easy Removal Top.
-adjust the vacuum levels separately.
-give your baby milk with a higher energy value than that obtained with simple expression.
-Imitate the baby's sucking for a more natural extraction experience, providing 2 minutes of stimulation and the remaining extraction time.
-perfect adaptation to the breast, thanks to the 2 breast shield sizes, with a soft, oval edge.
It can be used in double or single extraction, as you prefer.
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