Isdin Baby Naturals First Zähne -Gingivalgel ist angezeigt, um das Babygummis während des Wachstums der ersten Zähne zu schützen. Mit 96% natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen formuliert es, dass dank seines Gummis langfristig eine langfristige Wirkung von kontinuierlicher Wirkung bietet
First Teeth Gingival Gel 30ml is indicated for the protection of the baby's gums during the growth of the first teeth. Formulated with 96% natural ingredients, it offers a long-lasting effect and continuous action thanks to its adherence to the gums.
Apply a small amount of product to the tip of the finger and spread over the gums, with a gentle massage. It is recommended to apply 2 or 3 times a day but the frequency of use can be increased if necessary.