REF 080303

Bioceutica Quebra-Pedra is a food supplement with a diuretic formula that facilitates the correct functioning of the kidneys and bladder and the elimination of impurities (kidney stones, gallstones, uric acid), supporting in cases of urinary infections.
Per 4 tablespoons (60 ml)
Equisetum arvense, Horsetail
3.6 g
Peumus boldus, Boldo
3.6 g
Melissa ocinalis, Lemon balm
3.6 g
Phyllanthus urinaria, Stonebreaker
3.0 g
Taraxacum o cinale, Dandelion
3.0 g
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Bearberry
3.0 g
Prunus avium, Cherry
3.0 g
Betula alba, Birch
3.0 g
Arctium lappa, Burdock
1.8 g
Spergularia rubra, Arenaria
1.8 g
Rosmarinus ocinalis, Rosemary
1.8 g
Mentha piperita, Peppermint
1.2 g
Persea gratissima, Avocado tree
1.0 g
Zea mays, Corn
1.0 g
Polygonium aviculare, Everlasting
1.0 g
Fraxinus excelsior, Ash
0.5 g
Agropyron repens, French Grass
0.5 g
Saxifraga granulata, Lent
0.5 g