Advancis HEPA Plus hilft bei der normalen Leberfunktion, insbesondere in Zeiten größerer Aggressionen oder wenn sie mehr geschwächt ist, was den ganzen Tag über zu seinem Wohlbefinden beiträgt.
It is useful in slimming regimes, as it promotes a more efficient metabolization of fats. Coadjuvant in the treatment of various liver disorders. Prevention of problems with the biliary tract and digestion. Coadjuvant of antidyslipidemic therapy. Excessive alcohol consumption and other liver poisoning.
Drink 1 ampoule of Advancis Hepa Plus a day, preferably after dinner. If necessary, you can increase the dose to 1 ampoule after breakfast and 1 ampoule after dinner. You can dilute the ampoule in water or natural juice. Do not exceed the indicated daily dose.