Glühen -Whiten -Kit ist eine Whitening -Zahnbehandlung mit sofortigen Ergebnissen, leicht zu bedienen und für den Zahn sicher, mit Partikeln Diamant und natürlichen Glanzzutaten infundiert.
iWhite Instant Diamond whitening gel combines "Film-crystallized Calcium" technology (white crystals that stick to the tooth, forming a layer with an immediate whitening effect) with WAT - Whitening Amplifying Technology for teeth whitening:
This 1-step system is easy to apply and use and actively eliminates tooth stains. Lightens up to 8 shades, eliminates stains, strengthens teeth and restores enamel.
Gently brush your teeth before each application.
Remove the pre-filled mold from the sealed sachet and immediately place in the mouth.
Remove the mold after 20 minutes and discard.
Rinse with water.
The 10 one-size-fits-all disposable earmolds are thin and flexible to ensure a comfortable fit and maximum performance.
It should only be used for 20 minutes a day, to obtain immediate results and teeth up to 8 shades whiter, and it can be used for 5 consecutive days, for even more surprising results, or sporadically, when necessary.