Desincoffee Belgische Schokolade ist ein Kaffee-Basis-Energietetränk, das Zutaten mit starker thermogener Wirkung, Super-Alimon und einer Mischung aus Vitaminen und Mineralien kombiniert, um Ihre physische und kognitive Leistung zu verbessern
Premium ingredients, with the perfect combination, to provide energy with the lowest calorie content on the market. Improves energy and performance. It can be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning, before physical activity, study or work, or at any other time when an extra dose of energy is needed.
It can be consumed on an intermittent fasting diet.
Do not use on children under 18, pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Gluten-free and lactose-free.
*New formula produced in Europe, there may be a slight change in flavor and density.*
Mix one measure (10g) in 100ml of hot water and mix until dissolved.
If you prefer a long coffee, mix one measure with 150 to 200 ml of water.
Take it once a day.
100% Arabica Coffee, TCM, Green Tea, Mate Tea, Cinnamon and Cocoa.
80 mg of caffeine.