Desincoffee Extreme Energie 220G mit intensivem Expressgeschmack erhöht seine Energie, seinen Fokus und seine Konzentration auf die nächste Ebene. Ideal als Vorbereitung, um Ihre Leistung zu verbessern, am Morgen, um den Tag in Stärke oder vor dem Studium zu beginnen oder zu arbeiten
With 100% Arabica coffee, green tea, mate tea, cinnamon and cocoa, it is the Desincoffee with the highest caffeine content and an intense espresso flavor.
Improves performance and increases energy levels.
Can be used in intermittent fasting.
*New formula produced in Europe, there may be a slight change in flavor and density.*
Put a measuring spoon (10g) of powder in 100 ml of hot water and mix until dissolved.
If you prefer a long coffee, mix a measuring spoon with 150 to 200 ml of hot water.
Not indicated in children under 18, pregnant and lactating women.
650 mg of Taurine, 120 mg of Caffeine, TCM, Chromium, Vitamins B1 and B2, Coenzyme Q10, Glutamine, Choline, L-carnitine,