Durex Höhepunkt konservativer Mutual zeichnet sich für eine intensive Erfahrung für beide und trägt dazu bei, einen gegenseitigen Höhepunkt zu erreichen. Diese Kondome haben Dehnungsstreifen und ausstehende Punkte im Ausland, um die Frau zu beschleunigen, und Schmiermittel führt 5% Benzocain im Inneren durch, um den Mann zu verzögern.
1. Handle the condom carefully so as not to tear it with your fingernails or sharp objects.
2. With the edge of the condom facing outwards, squeeze the deposit and place the condom on the tip of the erect penis.
3. Unroll it to the end with the other hand. If during the sexual act you feel that the condom is rolling, coming off, or pulling the penis, stop and check, as in these situations the condom could break. After ejaculation the condom must be removed. The condom must remain fixed at the base of the penis before being removed.
4. Throw it in the trash. Don't flush it down the toilet.
Latex; 5% benzocaine.
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